This Policy applies to prospective clients who choose to contact Ruth Chappell and Brian Fleming via this website.
To avoid offering your information via this website it is also possible to contact,, or 0141 332 4924.
Information collected by this website:
As a prospective client you may wish to make contact via this website to voluntarily offer your name, email address, telephone number and some information about the nature of your enquiry solely for initial contact purposes.
This information is ONLY used to make contact with prospective clients.
How this information will be used:
We will only use the information voluntarily supplied by prospective clients contacting the company to contact the prospective client in relation to their initial enquiry.
This information will never be used for any marketing or other profit making purposes or enterprises by us.
Once used to initiate any personal contact information will be removed from any device or electronic system used by us.
Third Party Companies
We will never transfer or pass on personal information gathered by this website to third parties. How you can modify or delete your personal information: Notwithstanding the above guarantee, you can contact us by email or telephone and ask for any information gathered by this website to be removed/deleted from all records.
Opting out of future communications:
As previously stated, personal information gathered by this website is SOLELY used to initiate contact, once used for that sole purpose any gathered information will be removed from any device or electronic system used by us. Once initial contact is made, use of any personal information gathered by this website will ONLY be used to communicate with clients who engage in contracted periods of therapy.