The symbiotic relationship between humans and bees is a very old one. So old in fact, that ancient relics actually depict it. Found in a Spanish cave system, a piece of ancient rock art was found which clearly shows a humanoid figure perched on a ladder seemingly plundering a bee’s nest of honey. With this cave art thought to be around eight thousand years old, we clearly go back a long way! 

How are we connected?

The human taste for honey is obviously no recent phenomenon. Honey is mentioned in the Bible and has also been found in ancient Egyptian tombs, having been used in the mummification process.

Bearing this in mind, it is not surprising that there are many similarities between humans and bees. Just as huge numbers of humans live in close proximity to each other in cities, vast numbers of bees live together in the hive. 

We also often share job roles! There are worker bees who go out to forage and bring in pollen. There are also scavenger bees who pick up debris and keep the hive clean. Finally, the irrigation department is hard at work when the hive is becoming overheated, bringing in water droplets to cool it.

Related Remedies

A prominent area of connection between bees and humans is that both find the natural antibiotics contained in honey to be health-enhancing. In fact, scientists have recently been working to find a way to make honey less sticky so that it can be used in accident situations and on the battlefield. 

In 2007, Manuka Honey was approved by the US FDA as an option for wound treatment. Multiple studies have shown that Manuka honey can enhance wound healing, amplify the regeneration of tissue and decrease pain in patients suffering from burns.

A healing remedy called Apis, which is made from bee-sting poison and has been used by herbalists and homeopaths for at least the last hundred years, is another area where bees and humans usefully interact. Apis is often used for both pain and inflammation.

So with all of this in mind, it begs the question – what more can we learn from the animal kingdom in terms of healing? It’s something that is the site of a wealth of research and, done responsibly, could advance medicine dramatically. In the meantime, if you want to know more about which animal-derived or plant-based remedies could be useful for your healing, why not get in touch with Brian Fleming for more information today!