Here at the long established Glasgow Complementary Medicine Centre, our preferred method for breaking the nicotine addictive cycle, is through using hypnotherapy. For cigarettes or the now favoured, vaping, we can help you. This simple, yet effective, side effects free treatment protocol has a long track record of success in this and many other areas* and in its favour, it requires no doubtful or potentially toxic chemicals to be inhaled.
When Eldridge Cleaver, the one time Black Panther leader first coined the phrase that “you are either part of the solution or you are part of the problem” he could not have foreseen that sixty years later, his famous aphorism would resurface in the debate over whether vaping is a legitimate method for weaning people off cigarette/nicotine addiction or not.
Logically it makes no sense to substitute one type of poisonous vapour for another. We are all aware that for any sort of health, the human dynamis requires air and oxygen reaching the lungs while toxic fumes are being kept out of the airways.
From America where vaping has been manifesting itself for longer than it has been here in Scotland, we hear of cases of “popcorn lung” a condition related to vaping and the chemical flavourings used in some e-cigarettes,* while also in America, one person was killed when his vaping equipment exploded in his face.
Popcorn Lung is a pulmonary condition caused by chemicals used as flavouring in some e-cigarettes, as well as in popcorn hence the name of the condition.
Our hypnotherapy sessions help many individuals to give up both smoking and vaping, the latter beginning to be seen to as just as addictive as smoking itself. Please get in touch today and let us help you!