Although a classical Homeopath will usually only give a homeopathic remedy after a detailed case-analysis based on the meaningful totality of symptoms, this rigorous approach does not exclude homoeopathy for use in first-aid situations. During World War One, a British army sergeant took some homeopathic remedies to the trenches with him and, although he was far from being a fully qualified homoeopath, he gained a reputation for having done good and useful work. (1) A simple ‘ABC level’ first-aid kit could be put together from Aconite, Arnica, Bellis Perennis, Calendula and Causticum. This kit could fit easily into an anorak pocket or handbag, or could equally be kept in the car, kitchen or office, or taken along when travelling.
The Homeopathic remedy of Aconite, which comes from the roots and stems of the Aconitum Napellus plant is useful with ailments which come on with suddenness, particularly at the onset of an illness or with an illness which comes on from being exposed to cold or chills.
The Homeopathic remedy of Arnica from the Compositae botanical family can be used with all sorts of knocks, bumps, bruises and sprains. Whether you’re dealing with sore feet after a long hike or run or stings and wounds, Arnica can be very helpful (though the cream version of Arnica is contra-indicated for wounds.)
Bellis Perrennis
The Homeopathic remedy of Bellis Perrennis from the Daisy flower is very similar to Arnica. It is especially good with deep wounds or cuts, including its use after surgical procedures where Arnica can be given for a week or so before the op, and Bellis in the week following. In that way, help with healing can be promoted.
The Homeopathic remedy of Bryonia, or White Bryony, from the Concurbitacae genus can be helpful with pain, some inflammations and much more besides.
The Homeopathic remedy of Calendula from the Marigold flower can be used to promote the healing of wounds, particularly lacerated wounds, as well as suppurating wounds.
The Homeopathic remedy of Causticum does not come from a plant but is a slaked lime preparation devised by Samuel Hahnemann (1755- 1843) the founder of Homoeopathy, who was both a qualified doctor and a qualified pharmacist. This remedy is excellent with burns and scalds and is also used with patients suffering from the emotional equivalents even long after the initial painful event.
This, however, is really beyond the bounds of simple first-aid interventions.
Homeopathic pharmacies such as Ainsworths and Helios can usually provide first aid kits appropriate for various circumstances e.g. travel or pregnancy and childbirth. Minerva Books are useful for books on homoeopathy and usually stock an impressive selection from what is a voluminous literature. For further information on homeopathic first-aid, the following books are useful :
- “Homeopathy for the first-aider” by Dorothy Shepherd.
- “The Homoeopathy Emergency Guide” by Thomas Kruzel
- “Before the Vet Calls: Homoeopathic First-Aid treatment for Pets” by Francis Hunter
- “First-Aid Homoeopathy in Accidents and Ailments” by Miranda Castro
HAWL or ‘Homoeopathy at Wellie Level’ is a useful organisation for farmers and anyone concerned with the wellbeing of livestock.
If you’re interested in how our Homeopathic sessions work – find out more on our Homeopathy page. Or get in touch with Brian to book a session.
(1) “Magic Of The Minimum Dose. by Dorothy Shepherd.