Here to help you make the best healthcare choices
Ruth Chappell has seen thousands of clients over her 25 years as an Acupuncturist and she is one of the best known in Scotland.
Brian Fleming has been involved in complementary medicine since 1994. He offers safe and natural Homeopathy and Hypnosis treatments for a wide range of acute and long standing conditions including stopping smoking.

How it works
New to Complementary Medicine?
Here are some useful answers to help you start
They are not usually offered as treatments by the NHS but have often been recognised as useful in conjunction with these more recognised treatments.
We will never push you to only use our services or to use them in place of conventional treatment.
We believe that our therapies can offer incredible physical and emotional relief, but the best results are always found when used in conjunction with conventional medicines.
For some treatments, such as stopping smoking, a patient may only need one session.